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Monday, September 12, 2011, 3:42 PM

i'm hoping that no one sees this.
i don't know what to say actually.
i can't find anywhere else to pen down my thoughts.

i have to refocus now.

Saturday, May 21, 2011, 2:32 AM

Time is passing too fast. it's been almost 5 months since school started. wasn't easy at the start, trying to get used to different studying/revision style... and studying as if I just started my first day of education of my life.

doing assignments together makes schooling a whole lot more interesting. at times, the exchange of ideas might even cause conflicts, which is nothing unusual when working on group assignments.

i can still remember the exam period, which is just the repetition of "wake up-revise-home-sleep" cycle. can't afford to waste time and money.

because of the 2 years, so much time have been wasted. lagging behind so many people. is this what we deserve?

and yes, this is just the beginning.

Saturday, April 02, 2011, 11:38 PM

one month of preparation

Sunday, March 27, 2011, 12:03 AM

This will be the first post of 2011.

School started 3 months back.
Rather busy with school work and tests.
Exams coming up.
Have been trying to get something. will get it one day. it's just a matter of time.
Will add more if I could think of anything else.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 8:29 AM

it's close to 1 month working there.. i think i'm getting the hang of it. everyone has a different style, almost. they like to do things in a different way, so just have to see what they prefer hmmm. becos of stupid pnsd, i still haven't get my cpl pay till date. shitz! always seems that money is not enough for me :x gotta pay this, gotta pay for that. and i wanna get a new phone! that's the htc magicccc~ which started selling at singtel shop. alright, shall see how it goes.

have not been watching any jap dramas lately. this is bad!! :(
get them @ jpseek ~

it's so close to pay day!it's so close to pay day!it's so close to pay day!it's so close to pay day!it's so close to pay day!it's so close to pay day!it's so close to pay day!it's so close to pay day!

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Thursday, May 14, 2009, 10:54 PM

ever since i started shift work, i've been missing out lots of sleep! and i mean quality sleep... arghs. this shift thingy, is also killing my life! missing out the freedom i used to have. meet up with friends and all. almost all gone. our shift clashes with one another, it's terrible.

was surfing the web just now, and got to know that the htc magic is coming to sg, probably early june. and it comes in 2 colours, black and white. that phone definitely looks yummy! what's more? there are tons of things to explore. and probably i should get a bbom plan? so i can surf net when i'm free @ work haha.

Sunday, April 19, 2009, 11:54 AM

alright alright, seems like 7 months of training is coming to an end. left with 1 more week to go, 1 more 50 mcq test. and TADA! out of the s*u*id place. well, actually life inside is quite relaxing. seems like i'm doing nothing much most of the time. SO, in order to compensate the time wasted there, I exercised at night! power right hahaha~ do some jogging, push ups, a FEW pull ups..

And the weather seems so damn hot nowadays. so hot that I can stay in the shower whole day long. sometimes when I have too much time to spare, and when the hot sunny bright round thing is out, I will just head to the toilet, and enjoy a long cold shower! I will take my own sweet time, apply shampoo on my head, gently knead with my fingertips. And let the cold water flow down from head to toe~

weekends seem to be getting more and more precious. and when once I start my vocation, weekends will be even more damn precious. maybe ,i only get to enjoy 1 weekend per month?

oh yes, there will be like a nicely-planned-out 1 week break once my course finish. I'll see what I can do then!

omg big pill!


18 MAY

fav cars
vw scirocco
vw golf gti
honda civic type r
suzuki swift sports

hit counter

teehee, paste here~